


If life were so simple,
we'd jump off a building
and plummet to our life continued
unscathed, unharmed, unconcerned with reality
and it would make sense to us.

If life were so simple,
we'd never speak a word
and people would never wonder
at what's going on in the other one's brain
and it would make sense to us.

If life were so simple,
we'd all agree, both you and me,
and no one would argue about who's right or who's wrong
as everyone thinks in their similar thoughts
and it would make sense to us.

If life were so simple,
we'd never have to worry
about consequences or coincidences, an action or reaction
and we'd do what we want: when, where, and however
and it would make sense to us.

If life were so simple,
we'd love everyone regardless
and feel what we feel to be familiar and real
with no cause for hate, or vengeance, or pride
and it would make sense to us.

If life were so simple,
it would make sense to us.

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